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The core @feathersjs/feathers module provides the ability to initialize a new Feathers application instance. It works in Node, React Native and the browser (see the client chapter for more information). Each instance allows for registration and retrieval of services, hooks, plugin configuration, and getting and setting configuration options. An initialized Feathers application is referred to as the app object.

import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'

type ServiceTypes = {
  // Add registered services here

// Types for `app.set(name, value)` and `app.get(name)`
type Configuration = {
  port: number

const app = feathers<ServiceTypes, Configuration>()

.use(path, service [, options])

app.use(path, service [, options]) -> app allows registering a service object on a given path.

import { feathers, type Id } from '@feathersjs/feathers'

class MessageService {
  async get(id: Id) {
    return {
      text: `This is the ${id} message!`

type ServiceTypes = {
  // Add services path to type mapping here
  messages: MessageService

const app = feathers<ServiceTypes>()

// Register a service instance on the app
app.use('messages', new MessageService())

// Get the service and call the service method with the correct types
const message = await app.service('messages').get('test')


The path is a string that should be URL friendly and may contain / as a separator. path can also be / to register a service at the root level. A path may contain placeholders in the form of :userId/messages which will be included in params.route by a transport.


The following options are available:

  • methods (default: ['find', 'get', 'create', 'patch', 'update','remove']) - A list of official and custom service methods that should be available to clients. When using this option all method names that should be available externally must be passed. Those methods will automatically be available for use with hooks.
  • events - A list of public custom events sent by this service
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import { feathers, type Id } from '@feathersjs/feathers'

// Feathers services will always be event emitters
// but we can also extend it for better type consistency
class MessageService extends EventEmitter {
  async doSomething(data: { message: string }, params: Params) {
    this.emit('something', 'I did something')
    return data

  async get(id: Id) {
    return {
      text: `This is the ${id} message!`

type ServiceTypes = {
  // Add services path to type mapping here
  messages: MessageService

const app = feathers<ServiceTypes>()

// Register a service with options
app.use('messages', new MessageService(), {
  methods: ['get', 'doSomething'],
  events: ['something']


If the methods property is undefined, all standard methods will be enabled and accessible externally.


app.unuse(path) unregisters an existing service on path and calls the services .teardown method if it is implemented.


app.service(path) -> service returns the service object for the given path. Feathers internally creates a new object from each registered service. This means that the object returned by app.service(path) will provide the same methods and functionality as your original service object but also functionality added by Feathers and its plugins like service events and additional methods.

const messageService = app.service('messages')

const message = await messageService.get('test')


messageService.on('created', (message: Message) => {
  console.log('Created a todo')


Note that a server side app.service(path) only allows the original service name (e.g. app.service(':userId/messages')) and does not parse placeholders. To get a service with route paramters use .lookup


app.lookup(path) allows to look up a full path and will return the data (route parameters) and service on the server.

const lookup = app.lookup('messages/4321')

// lookup.service -> app.service('messages')
// -> { __id: '4321' }

// `lookup.dta` needs to be passed as `params.route`

Case insensitive lookups can be enabled in the app file like this:

app.routes.caseSensitive = false


app.hooks(hooks) -> app allows registration of application-level hooks. For more information see the application hooks section in the hooks chapter.

.publish([event, ] publisher)

app.publish([event, ] publisher) -> app registers a global event publisher. For more information see the channels publishing chapter.


app.configure(callback) -> app runs a callback function that gets passed the application object. It is used to initialize plugins and can be used to separate your application into different files.

const setupService = (app: Application) => {
  app.use('/todos', todoService)



app.setup([server]) -> Promise<app> is used to initialize all services by calling each services .setup(app, path) method (if available). It will also use the server instance passed (e.g. through http.createServer) to set up SocketIO (if enabled) and any other provider that might require the server instance. You can register application setup hooks to e.g. set up database connections and other things required to be initialized on startup in a certain order.

Normally app.setup will be called automatically when starting the application via app.listen([port]) but there are cases (like in tests) when it can be called explicitly.


app.teardown([server]) -> Promise<app> can be called to gracefully shut down the application. When the app has been set up with a server (e.g. by calling app.listen()) the server will be closed automatically when calling app.teardown(). You can also register application hooks on teardown to e.g. close database connection etc.


app.listen([port]) -> Promise<HTTPServer> starts the application on the given port. It will set up all configured transports (if any) and then run app.setup(server) with the server object and then return the server object.

listen will only be available if a server side transport (REST or websocket) has been configured.

.set(name, value)

app.set(name, value) -> app assigns setting name to value.


app.set is global to the application. It is used for storing application wide information like database connection strings etc. Do not use it for storing request or service specific data. This can be done by adding data to the hook context.

import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'

type ServiceTypes = {
  // Add services path to type mapping here

// app.get and app.set can be typed when initializing the app
type Configuration = {
  port: number

const app = feathers<ServiceTypes, Configuration>()

app.set('port', 3030)



On the server, settings are usually initialized using Feathers configuration.


app.get(name) -> value retrieves the setting name.

.on(eventname, listener)

Provided by the core NodeJS EventEmitter .on. Registers a listener method (function(data) {}) for the given eventname.

app.on('login', (user) => console.log('Logged in', user))

.emit(eventname, data)

Provided by the core NodeJS EventEmitter .emit.

type MyEventData = { message: string }

app.emit('myevent', {
  message: 'Something happened'

app.on('myevent', (data: MyEventData) => console.log('myevent happened', data))


app can not receive or send events to or from clients. A custom service should be used for that.


Provided by the core NodeJS EventEmitter .removeListener. Removes all or the given listener for eventname.


app.mixins contains a list of service mixins. A mixin is a callback ((service, path, options) => {}) that gets run for every service that is being registered. Adding your own mixins allows to add functionality to every registered service.

import type { Id } from '@feathersjs/feathers'

// Mixins have to be added before registering any services
app.mixins.push((service: any, path: string) => {
  service.sayHello = function () {
    return `Hello from service at '${path}'`

app.use('/todos', {
  async get(id: Id) {
    return { id }

// -> Hello from service at 'todos'

.services contains an object of all services keyed by the path they have been registered via app.use(path, service). This allows to return a list of all available service names:

const servicePaths = Object.keys(

servicePaths.forEach((path) => {
  const service = app.service(path)


To retrieve services use app.service(path), not[path] directly.

A Feathers client does not know anything about the server it is connected to. This means that will not automatically contain all services available on the server. Instead, the server has to provide the list of its services, e.g. through a custom service:

class InfoService {
  constructor(public app: Application) {}

  async find() {
    return {
      service: Object.keys(

app.use('info', new InfoService(app))


app.defaultService can be a function that returns an instance of a new standard service for app.service(path) if there isn't one registered yet. By default it throws a NotFound error when you are trying to access a service that doesn't exist.

import { MemoryService } from '@feathersjs/memory'

// For every `path` that doesn't have a service
// Automatically return a new in-memory service
app.defaultService = function (path: string) {
  return new MemoryService()

This is used by the client transport adapters to automatically register client side services that talk to a Feathers server.

Released under the MIT License.